In the various corkscrew clubs, there is a tradition of publishing your best 6 corkscrews for the year. As the end of the corkscrew fiscal year nears, figuring out which corkscrews make the list, and which ones don't, makes for a fun but difficult decision--below you will find my best 6 for this year, and links to previous best 6's.


Best 6 for 2022



1, Charles Chinnock’s patent #299,738, awarded June 3, 1884; unmarked (See O’Leary p. 67). 

I found this particular corkscrew walking the fields of Brimfield Antique Flea Market in September.  After putting in miles and miles of walking the fields, after hitting every booth that was open, after a day of solid rain, there was little to be had.  The next day the sun was shining, and in the second field that opened that morning, with only three booths left to visit in the field, just sitting on a table in some random antique dealer’s stall, was the Chinnock.  

Persistence my friends.  There are still treasures out there just waiting to be discovered…


2. Sterling triple medicine spoon (1 teaspoon, 2 teaspoons, 1 tablespoon) marked THEODORE B. STARR, INC., and STERLING (Theodore B. Starr became incorporated in 1907, and closed operations in 1918, when it was sold to Reed & Barton).


3. Pie crimper / can opener / with corkscrew, marked PAT APLD. FOR on the can opener.

4. Charles Blantz’ design patent #46,310 awarded August 25, 1914.  

The patent drawing merely says “Tool.”  And, the patent description, mentions none of its uses, “Be it know that I, Clayton H. Blantz, a citizen of the United States, residing at Lebanon, in the county of Lebanon and State of Pennsylvania, have invented a new, original, and ornamental Design for Tools, of which the following is a specification, reference being had to the accompanying drawing, forming a part thereof.”

This year, I found the Blantz patent, as well as an advertisement that explains its functions; most importantly “Cork Extractor”



5. Brown and Bigelow bottle shaped roundlet corkscrew made of aluminum, and serving as a promotional piece for BROWN & BIGELOW, Remembrance Advertising, REG. U.S. PAT. OFF., ST. PAUL MINNESOTA. 

6. Lucien Mumford’s patent awarded May 10, 1892, marked (faintly) Magic, CORK EXTRACTOR, PAT. MCH. 4-79., MAY 10-92, MADE IN U.S.A.  This the square/flat example (See O’Leary, p. 84).






 best 6 ~ 2022  best 6 ~ 2021  best 6 ~ 2020 best 6 ~ 2019 best 6 ~ 2018
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