
Where to Begin...


If you are visiting this page, you have obviously decided that antique and vintage corkscrews are intriguing. And, whether you have already started collecting, if you are after your first antique corkscrew, or even if you are looking to purchase an antique or vintage corkscrew for a friend, here you are. It is my intention to give a little advice for those that are entering in this twisted hobby.
With any antique item that you might want to start acquiring, one of the biggest keys is also acquiring knowledge. And, there are countless books and websites out there that can help point you in the right direction. While I will gladly answer any emails regarding the corkscrews that you have acquired, or hope to acquire, I believe that one of the best books out there for the novice collector is Don Bull's Ultimate Corkscrew Book, or alternatively his Pocket Guide to Corkscrews. Both books were published in 1999, and while dated and some of the values given have changed, one definitely can get a sense of rare versus more common, and also a range of what is out there. Don, is a good friend, a wealth of information, has published numerous books on corkscrews and wine antiques.
Buy Don's Books here!
That said, I am also of the belief that the hunt is part of the fun, so I suggest hitting estate sales, antique shows, yard sales, and flea markets. With a simple few clicks, one can find antique corkscrews on eBay, but uncovering that new treasure on the hunt is much more rewarding. And, there is a fantastic alternative to eBay. No too long ago, a website was created for antique corkscrews. Each corkscrew that is put up for auction, is vetted out by experts in the field, and every corkscrew needs to meet a minimum of 100 dollars in value.
Auction at
With the success of the auction site, has now also created an antique corkscrew "Buy Now" website. Where the auction is limited to twice a year with the occasional special auction, the Buy Now website is open year round. This new venue offers corkscrews in a lower price range, but again sellers need to be approved, and the corkscrews are also vetted. You can't really go wrong, and it is a great place to find something unusual. The corkscrews are always changing. There may be 50 on one week, and 300 on the next. So, it pays to visit often.
"Buy Now" at
While I started out paying no more than 5 dollars for an antique corkscrew, there are others that enter the fray throwing caution to the wind. Somewhere in between is where you may find yourself. And, I am willing to help out if you have questions. Corkscrews can range from a couple of dollars on up to the tens of thousands of dollars. So, every price range is available. Deciding on a comfortable price range is up to you.
Whether you found this website as a result of a recent article in Decanter Magazine, a recent photospread in Flea Market Style Magazine, or even just googling around, feel free to drop me a line. And, welcome to this twisted obsession.


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